Your dashboards can contain many tiles. Which ones that are relevent for you, depends on your use case. This page will describe each dashboard tile so you can create your best dashboard.
To manage dashboards and manage tiles, please refer to the dashboard wiki.
Most tiles are customizable in appearance like:
This tile shows which devices are present or absent from your selected geofence.
Enter a text of your choice. This could be instructions or another type of message.
Follow your selected teams/devices/geofences on the map with live updates.
Start a quick button scenario with this tile. Make sure you have created at least one scenario with the 'quick button' event. You can then select that one for this tile.
Send a new assistance request. A new dialog will be shown where you can define recipients and messages.
Use this tile to see the pending assistance requests.
See a list of the open alarms.
When small, it only shows the amount of alarms. When large, it shows the alarm list. Click on the alarm to view its details.
If you check the checkbox to be able to close the alarms as well, you will also see the close button.
Show how many open alerts there are.
To show how many days it has been since the last alarm, you can use this tile.
Show the amount of credits you have left for this month.
Complete devices will make for an optimal alarm handling process. This tile will show when there are incomplete devices.
Show the amount of apps and devices which do not use a supported version or firmware.
Show the status of your trial period.