To create a customer environment, you will have to add a new account. Each account is an isolated customer environment to which devices, beacons, site maps, etcetera can be connected. The customer environment can be tailored to the use case of the customer. Navigate to accounts using the menu to access the account management.
In order to add a new account you will need to provide various account information. To do so, choose add, fill all the mandatory fields, choose the modules you want to activate for the customer and save the account.
Modules can be used to tailor the customer environment. It enables certain features so you can define what to show to your customers.
To get an overview of the modules, you can visit this page.
To edit an account click on the dots icon. Choose Edit. To change the account's information or settings, make any change and press Save.
For setting up a customer account or first-line support you are able to login to the customer environment. Click on the Login button. You will now be logged in as the account's administrator.
In order to connect devices to an alarm center, you should click the Dots icon and then Manage alarm center.
Select the alarm receiving center in the dialog that pops open and press Save.
This action alone is not enough to have alarms sent to the ARC. You should also connect a device to the ARC. Visit this page for instructions.
To show the devices for an account in the devices page, you can click the Dots icon and then Show devices.
This navigate to the devices page and automatically filter devices for this account.
Archiving an account is not the same as deleting an account. Archiving is revoking access from the customer to their environment. It will disable all functionalities until you unarchive.
To archive an account, you can click the Dots icon and then Archive.
This will move this account to the account archive.
To delete an account, the account should first be archived.
Click the Show archive button to view the account archive.
Then, click the Dots icon and press Delete and confirm.
Be aware that this action is irreversible.