An assistance request is a text message to a device that has to be accepted or declined. More info about assistance requests can be found on this page.
By default, the pending assistance requests are hidden in for the app user. The admin can make the pending assistance requests available for app users. To do this, the admin should go to the device configurator of the app device and uncheck the Hide assistance requests switch.
This will push to configuration to the app user automatically.
A new menu item will appear in the app:
This page will show the list of pending assistance request events:
When a row is clicked, it will show the sent assistance requests:
As shown, the first assistance request has one accepted request out of one sent. The second has no acceptations (yet).
When the assistance request is clicked, it will show the details of the assistance request:
By default, creating an assistance request is unavailable for the app user. The admin can make the this available for app users. To do this, the admin should go to the device configurator of the app device and uncheck the Hide assistance request button switch.
If you save this configuration, it will automatically reflect in the app.
To start an assistance request, you should be able to see the quick start menu right above the alarm button in the app and click that button.
Provide the name, message, and recipients in the dialog and press Send.